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Mood Foods surge in Popularity

It is a chocoholic's dream. Not only can they indulge in their favourite treat, but they can also say, honestly, that it is doing them good. "Mental Balance Chocolate Gaba" is not just any chocolate, however. It is one of a number of products being pushed in the food industry's latest marketing hype: mood foods.

Britain's obsession with life-enhancing, health-promoting foods generates more than £1bn annually, with the market for anti-carcinogenic, macrobiotic, lifestyle foods reaching near saturation point - Mintel, a market research company, estimates sales to have been worth £1.1bn up to 2006, having grown 143 per cent since the start of the decade.

The focus has been on the physical benefits of food and nutrition supplements. Now firms are changing their marketing strategies to "mood foods".

The market for foods containing omega-3 is worth £67m. Read more on mood foods


  1. Firstly, chocolate doesn't need any enhancement. It's perfect the way it is.
    Secondly, if we treated the Earth properly the food we grow in it would give us all we need.

  2. Firstly, chocolate doesn't need any enhancement. It's perfect the way it is.

    You made me chuckle; very good Leah and very true

  3. I wish that there was a way chips could be good for me (though I'm not complaining about the sudden permission to eat chocolate). What worries me about all of this is the tendency to put more additives in basic foodstuffs. There's a significant chance of someone having allergic reactions sooner raher than later.


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